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  • Google Glass

    Google Glass



With all of the rumors buzzing around, it’s hard not to wonder just what the highly anticipated Google Glass really is. With promise of technology “right before your eye,” this futuristic gadget has us all trying to figure out what is really in store once these fancy specs hit the shelves.

Google Glass is supposed to be a whole new way of technology as we know it. Instead of interacting with it through your laptop, smartphone or tablet, you interact with technology simply through your very own eyes. Essentially, Google Glass is a camera, display, touchpad, battery, and microphone built into glasses that allow you to film, take pictures, search, and translate on the go.

Google Glass uses display technology to put data in front, more specifically in the upper right corner of your eye in order to be easily seen without obstructing your vision. According to Google the display is “the equivalent of a 25-inch high-definition screen from eight feet away.” Using touch screen as well as voice commands, you can film and take pictures, search the Web, answer e-mail, and even video chat with your friends and family, who will get to see everything you’re seeing as if through your own eyes.

For those who like to travel, you can view real-time translations or transcriptions of what is being said to you in foreign languages and can quickly learn proper responses too! The embedded camera obviously does not need a viewfinder because it is simply recording your first-person perspective, allowing you to take pictures or videos of what you are actually seeing.

While these glasses may seem too good to be true, people all across the country are actually using these high-tech specs as we speak. Google had a lottery that chose random winners across the U.S. to pay $1,500 to try out their own pair and write reviews and ideas on how to make these glasses even better.

If you’re wondering when you can get your hands on your own pair, rumor is 2014. So your patience should soon be rewarded with a cool new pair of shades.