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  • Illustration by Amy Ning

    Illustration by Amy Ning



If you don’t mind the parking situation at John Wayne Airport, it means you’re not parking there. But there is another option.

For those who bought their Mercedes-Benz at Fletcher Jones Motorcars in Newport Beach, you can get a free airport shuttle and parking. Sweet deal, right? Well, if you don’t own a Mercedes that you bought at Fletcher Jones, I guess not. But if you did, it’s really something you should take advantage of.

Here’s how it works:
Anyone in the Preferred Owner Program – that means anyone who bought a Mercedes at FJ – can get the shuttle service, as well as loaner cars if yours is under repair. The program, says FJ’s Larry Lewis, was created in 1996 to “set us apart from all other Mercedes-Benz dealers.”

During the operating hours of John Wayne Airport, customers can simply go the airport hub, located at 2172 SE. Bristol St. in Newport Beach and drop off their car before their flight. A shuttle will drive them to JWA, five minutes away. A customer can store the vehicle at the hub for up to two weeks, and when you return, the shuttle will pick you up from the airport and take you back to the hub where your car has been washed – even serviced, if needed – and ready for you when you return. No reservation is necessary, but if you’d like more information, call 949.718.5300.